Self Assurance

Well I've gotten to the stage where practically every missionary and even some members will just ask, "aren't you going home soon?" Or "how do you feel going home so soon?" The answers usually consist of "yeah" and "fine." I am doing good.

This week was a just solid in terms of work there were a few hiccups but frankly it's normal. We are working hard to get people ready for baptisms next week. So far so good.

This week I planned to do an exchange with the Elders we live with. Shortly after, the zone leaders (my "bosses") planned to do exchanges with me. Oh an exchange is something we do as missionaries, basically we switch companions for one day to help each other out. So then I had two exchanges in one work, which was okay.

They both went well, my zone leader Elder Davidson served here in Manganhe for a long time. So he decided to come here with me, it was a solid day, he got to see some people he worked with. It was just nice. During the exchange the APs called and informed me that I would go to a one day self reliance class on Saturday. It was pretty out of nowhere and meant that I would do one more exchange. Now it would be three exchanges in one week!

Saturday morning I went to the stake center to do a self reliance class. It was planned for all the missionaries that are going home soon (this transfer and next). There was probably about 20 of us. It was alright. The focus was on finding a job. Seeing how I already have a job and school lined up, the class was more of a refresher with some helpful tips. The class also took all day so afterwards I just went home and slept.

I don't think there is too much else to talk about, the end is fast approaching but I'm just going to work hard with the time I have left. I have a lot of small projects I am trying to wrap up before I wrap up.

That's it for this week,
Elder McDonald

Putting on the "Armor of God"

Record attendance at English Class

Some of our friends' puppies

Some of our friends' puppies

Some of our friends' puppies

Peach Cobbler I made last week

When you've been out on the mission for 8 months and still don't have a Steam Deck (yes, it is an inside joke)
