Salvation's Haste

Welcome back, let's get right into it.

Small story, at English class a tiny scorpion appeared out of nowhere. It was the first scorpion I have seen here. It has really small but everyone was freaking out about it, until one brave student grabbed his notebook and smashed it.

Another small story, we were going to our baptism and the txopela driver didn't have very much money or gas. So we started going, and he ran out of gas. He started pushing his txopela to the nearby gas station. Naturally, we hopped out and helped him push, it was a funny experience because it has never happened to me before. But he was super grateful and it was just solid.

This week we made a ton of progress with our couple that will get married. We finalized the documents and marked a date! They will legally get married on the 13th! Which is also my last Saturday on the mission! The only thing left is to pick up the papers and to turn in some other documents a week in advance. It is super exciting.

I hit another going home milestone this week. I got my flight plans! Wow! I guess it's not that crazy but yeah it happened.

A while back I talked about two brothers who are like opposites in what they would do. First, a little update on them, neither one shows up to church anymore and we don't really visit them anymore, which stinks but happens quite a bit. Their time will come.

Recently, three young women started coming to church, all three are siblings of members. We started teaching them shortly after and they are pretty awesome, they had great questions, paid attention and studied what we taught. After a bit we tried giving them baptismal dates and all three were very wary, but they committed to pray about it.

Now, we are going to talk about two of them specifically, they are sisters of a recent convert that will likely go on a mission soon. They are also twins, Ana and Orlanda. Orlanda was actually taught before but didn't really progress. Even now she is having the same problem, in our last visit we perceived that she didn't really do anything we had asked her to. In fact, she basically never had. Ana on the other hand, did. She prayed about baptism and felt ready to be baptized on May 6th. There was a stark difference between the two in that lesson. It was an incredible example between someone that was willing and acting, and someone who wasn't.

This week there was an emergency transfer. We are now back down to four Elders, which is a lot less chaotic. Elder Nefi and Matsimbe left though Matsimbe is still in the district.

I believe that is all for this week, once again thank you for sticking through and reading all this. It means a lot to me. Have a great week!

PS The email title is a tiny story. We were talking about how fast missionaries walk. I called it pressa de salvação, meaning salvation hurry, rush or haste. I thought haste was the coolest option.

Me in front of a little market
Just the market

Elder Falcao and I in front of the market

Guard Turkey

Elder Falcao and me

KFC (we ate there on P-Day)
