Full Steam Ahead

Another week gone and a fair bit happened. The biggest event was certainly transfers. It was not super surprising but Elder Lacerda was transferred. Elder Higby was also transferred too which wasn't surprising either but I thought that at least one of them would be staying. So, to summarize out of the four Elders in Quelimane two were transferred.

So, Elder Lacerda's last few days were spent visiting people and saying goodbye. There was a lot of members that he was close to and a lot of people were sad to see him go. He was a solid companion and we had a solid transfer together.

So now I have a new companion Elder Cavalcante. He is also Brazilian and also speaks really good English. He is basically a beast and really wants to see this area grow a ton. And I am super down for that too so we are working super hard to make it happen. I don't know if I have ever done this much finding before. It has been great.

Now for the funny story this week. A member asked us to give a blessing to a family member so we went to give the blessing. So the lady we were chatting with this lady that we would be blessing and she was telling us all the symptoms she was having. She was having aches and wasn't sleeping at all at night. As we were talking it became clear that the aches were probably because she was old and that she wasn't sleeping at night because she was napping a lot during the day. After a bit we were like "she doesn't need a blessing, she just needs some health tips." So we explained to her that the aches were normal and that she needed to stop napping and only sleep at night, then invited her to church and left. It was pretty funny.

Unfortunately, I think that was it for this week. It was raining on Sunday so a lot less people showed up but all our people that needed to be confirmed showed up so that has hype. Right now it's just full steam ahead here. Just working hard with the time I have, because as Elder Alberto says "the time does not forgive."

Até a próxima,
Elder McDonald

Our district at the beach

Elder Cavalcante and a member (who will serve in Brazil in February)

Sifting rice

Eating some fast food with the district at our house
