And a Very Wet New Years

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Another week in Mozambique, another week of scorching heat, pouring rain and expected unexpected problems. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Most of the this week was spent getting our family ready for baptism as well as preparing other people for baptism next week. After these baptisms our teaching pool is going to be fairly low on new people so we will need to do some more finding soon.

On Wednesday we had another other wedding. It was pretty nice and the couple is super cool, they have only known the church for about 3 months so it shocking that they have already gotten married. It is definitely a miracle and they are going to do a lot in the church.

Thursday I did an exchange with Elder Jeremias, it was sweet getting to work with him again and it was a great day of work we taught a lot of solid lessons. That night Elder Jeremias showed me how to hand wash clothes because our washing machine is broke. It wasn't as hard as I expected and it did a good job removing stains, but I will be very excited when our washing machine gets fixed.

Friday we had a ward activity, and like most activities here, it started late, took longer than expected but had a lot of solid food. Speaking of which all throughout the week we have been getting a lot more food from people. Investigators, recent converts, long time members all of them were just unexpectedly giving us food. With weddings and holidays we only made lunch 3 or 4 times this week.
That night we were heading home pretty late and we had stopped at the bank to pull out money. As we were getting ready to leave some maluco (crazy guy) on a bike threw a firecracker at my feet and rode off. Surprisingly, I wasn't very surprised, or shocked, it just kinda happened.

Saturday was a pretty chill day, we baptized the family that got married last Saturday. It started raining right as we went outside to the font (all the fonts here are outside and just like concrete boxes with steps). It made the baptisms a little more dramatic and cool. Then it started raining a ton so we got African fast food and ate it at the other Elders' house, who live in the city and much closer to the church. That night was new years and man I slept like a rock, it was nice and much needed.
In Quelimane everyone parties all night and goes to the edge of the river to (I think) watch fireworks and, you know, party. The partying was so loud that it woke Elder Jeremias up at like 2 am. Usually, that is one of the downsides of our house is that it is super far away from most everything, but, that night it was a big perk.

In Mozambique, the 1st is also a pretty big day (and people have the 2nd off this year too because it fell on a Saturday/Sunday). So church attendance was low and it was challenging to find people to teach. But our branch president invited us over for lunch and it was super fun. We played 2 truths and a lie and everyone kept on telling three things and then after some guesses were like "actually all 3 are true" or "actually 2 of them were lies." But, ultimately we had fun.

That was it for this week. I am pretty excited for the new year and man the time is flying by. Last year I had been in Mozambique for about 3 weeks and had no idea what was going on. A lot has happened this last year I am really glad I was able to experience it all. I am certainly excited to see what this year has in store for me too.

Until next week,
Elder McDonald

Everyone at the baptism

The couple at the baptism

One of the youth playing Free Fire (A battle royal game that is popular here and in Brazil) outside the chapel


Branch activity

The wedding (it took place in the garage at the chapel)
