The Grand Crusade

This week was a good one, though mostly uneventful as far as work goes. However, a giant crusade happened, what kind of crusade, well the only good kind, a religious one. Now you might be wondering, "wait Elder McDonald I would hear about hundreds of knights setting out to wage a holy war in Mozambique," and you would be right, you would hear about that. Instead something far less impressive happened, some evangelical preacher came to Dondo to do a four day concert about Jesus. Now you might be wondering why I would write about such an event, so I suppose I'll tell you. Dondo while certainly being very separate from Beira is not very big. As such, not too many big things happen here. So when a evangelist from America comes all the way out to Dondo to do a show, its a pretty big deal. And then when he comes with a full scale professional stage, lights, sound system, and musicians, you know its going to be a big deal.

And it was. Everyday for four days they had performances and sermons in the morning, evening and night. And even though we live literally 380 meters (1250 feet) we still heard every performance loud and clear. Literally half of Dondo was hearing every part of the show.

And now for a completely different unrelated story. We are teaching a young couple and they are smart, educated, have good jobs and really like us. Well a few weeks ago we were having a lesson with them and the wife was telling us about her job as an agricultural scientist. During the conversation she was talking about a white dirt bike that she uses and how much she loves that white dirt bike. Well, it was pretty funny and every time we saw a white dirt bike we were like "wow that's like her dirt bike!" Then this Saturday as we are walking to a lesson she suddenly pulls up on here white dirt bike. And we were like "wow it's her on her white dirt bike!" So we chatted with her a bit and then went to our lesson. Then after the lesson, her husband also on the white dirt bike stopped and talked to us too. It was crazy! We had never seen her white dirt bike and somehow ended up seeing both of them on the same day riding the white dirt bike.

Sunday was good this week too. It was our first week doing two meetings and it was a lot of church (especially for a fast Sunday). My favorite part was when one young man and shared a incredibly spiritual story, it went something like this... There was a young man who was participating in seminary (youth bible study), This young man also had a girlfriend. One day his girlfriend asked him to pick between her and seminary. So, the young man choose the latter and left his girlfriend to go to seminary. He did this because going to seminary is choosing to live the gospel and learn more about Jesus Christ. And this was the incredible story about faith and gospel living that this young man shared with us. This isn't the end of the story however as after finishing his testimony his friend went up and bore testimony too. And his friend said "yeah I am the young man in the story, seminary is important" and bore a nice testimony. Anyway, it was a pretty funny story and even got Bishop chuckling.

That was pretty much it for this week, it was a solid week of work and hopefully things will continue to improve here. Attendance at church was a little sparce because people were showing up at the wrong time but everyone ended up getting there. I will say 3.5 hours of church is pretty exhausting but I am excited to see the ward grow.

Me with a "real" zebra

A weird plant (the editor is not sure what it is)

Me out in a field near in my area

Elder Adams scaling a pole
