Rice Sandwich

Another week has gone by and work is still moving on here. My companion Elder Icaro had some knee problems so we went into the clinic this week to get it looked at. First off, hospitals here aren't too bad, not really somewhere I want to end up but it could be a lot worse. Oddly enough and like a lot of other businesses here the clinic was in a house. Like someone bought a house, and converted it into a medical clinic. That actually seems to be pretty normal here.

Because of the knee problems we spent aa couple days this week in the apartment making calls. First off, it stinks. It actually works pretty good here because a lot of people are totally willing to just have a 20 minute phone lesson. Problem is you are sitting in the house all day and it is super boring. I had to sit in a chair all day waiting for a lesson to happen so I could share some gospel principles in my broken Portuguese. Still, it could've been worse, I definitely feel for those missionaries who had to go through quarantine. Two weeks of nothing but phone calls. It would be pretty tough.

You know what is also tough? The food here. First off here in Mozambique there is a ton of street vendors but we don't buy from them because we have no idea where that food has been. The supermarkets here aren't too bad. They definitely have a lot less options than in the States but you can get the basics. Also for the most part food here costs about the same as the States, some things cost a little more and some things cost a little less. For example soda here is pretty cheap but eggs are a little pricy. We also only get about $85 every two weeks for food. This means we usually have to buy pretty cheap. Which means a lot of pasta, rice, bread and chicken. Oh yeah, bread is also like super cheap here.

Speaking of bread, this week we were pretty low on food and we had some leftover rice, so I made a rice sandwich. It was pretty bad, I didn't have to eat it but I didn't want to cook anything and it would be ready quick. It definitely is hard to make sure you have good food to eat. I can tell I am going to be eating a lot of rice and bread.

Church was pretty good, even more people showed up this week, it is basically impossible to tell a member from a non-member here. But even more of the people we are teaching showed up this week. It was pretty cool and afterwards I talked to some of the members and it didn't go terrible! One was pretty tough because I have literally no idea what she was saying. She was super quiet and used a lot of unfamiliar words. I think her son is on a mission right now but I honestly have no idea.

Work has been good, making phone calls is tough but it works pretty good here and we have a lot of people who live super far away. In person visits are pretty fun but holding a conversion in Portuguese is really hard. Living here is a huge adjustment and it has not been easy. But, things are going well. Circumstances and situations have changed a lot but the work is still the same. We are helping people find hope and joy through Jesus Christ and the gospel. It changes lives, and it is incredible.

A rice sandwich!
