Honestly Not That Much Happened

Yeah this week was pretty boring. We had a lot of member dinners and those were great. But we also had several days where the only people who answered were active members. We got some lessons setup but then they all cancelled. We got in contact with some new less-actives but it hasn't gone any further than that. Everyday we visit every person worth visiting that we haven't visited in the last few days. Even with all that we usually run out of people to visit at around 8. We are doing every worthwhile thing we can do. We are pushing and pushing the work forward but little happens. In the four months I have been here, I have made six friends, all of which have been dropped. I want to leave this area better than when I found it but not that much has changed.

Now don't worry I am not sad or anything like that. I am pretty happy. The ward in Ashton Park is great and they are all trying their best to help us. While I am here we have gotten two less-actives to come back to church and a few more are getting close. We also had an incredible training to our ward on member missionary work. In addition we have found out a lot about all of the less-actives in our area, which ones have moved, which ones aren't interested and where they are at. Sure it isn't a baptism or anything but it is still success.

In Preach My Gospel, which is our guide to missionary service, it has a section in the Finding New People chapter titled "No Effort is Wasted." That section has meant a lot to me recently. The fact that we go out and make a real effort means something. Even if nothing happens our work has worth. Even when there is little to nothing to do, we still do it. Giving up isn't an option. For these two years I am here to work, I am here to serve the Lord. In Doctrine and Covenants 18:15 it says "And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!" It is all we can do to work, the results will follow. No matter what they are, we will have our joy.

Pool cleaning time

Nice panorama
