It is too late!

This was the 2nd week of this transfer and to be honest it was a little boring. All of our non-member lessons cancelled and we didn't make much good contact. We got some contact with less-actives and have some people willing for us to return. We also setup around five lessons for this next week so it is not all bad. These are also the times when determination and diligence are most important. Faithful work now will lead to powerful work later.

We also did a bit of work to get the ward moving. The ward does little missionary work. We talked to the Bishop about it and he recognized it too. It is really hard to get things moving, but both us and him are working on it. At our member dinners we are working to share messages on missionary work and it seems to be helping. It is a slow moving process, but at least it is moving.

I don't what it was this week but apparently 8:00 is too late for people. We stopped by several contacts this week and they all told us "it is too late." I would get it if you they were like 70 but most of them are in their 40-50s. When did that become 'late.' There are literally 8 and 80 year-olds that go to bed later than you. It is just bizarre.

This week one of our members entered the online MTC. It has been really cool to see him, he has changed a lot in just two days. His schedule seems to be very busy but he is enjoying it so far. It has been quite cool to have another Elder in the ward. We even have tentative plans to go on "exchanges" with him, it should be pretty cool.

The work was slow but the yields are far from empty. Every week we do more and more to encourage the work. We filled many holes in our records. Our diligence in the work, even when the results are few, is important. When we work when it is tough and slow only shows how we will work when it is fruitful. The work is never easy or straightforward, but working with might no matter the circumstance shows that we care, and that is important to us and to God.


  1. So grateful for your testimony of diligence and hard work. We do get lazy and need to be reminded of what is important. ~ Your Great Aunt Dorothy in California


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