Big News! and more waiting

    A lot and a little has happened this last week. The biggest news is that I have finally heard the news about my reassignment. I have been reassigned to Sacramento California! It is temporary which means they hope to send me to Mozambique at some point but can't for various reasons at the moment. It is important to note that reassignments are just as important as the initial call. There is work to do everywhere and you will be called where you are meant to go.

    The reassignment was honestly one of the more eventful things this week. I did get to do some gardening at the Fort Collins Temple with my brother. Also this last Sunday I did a small split with the Elders in my ward. We taught a small lesson which was my first real lesson with an investigator. I only spoke two lines and always felt uncomfortable sharing. I kept on thinking how this is a real person that cares about what I say. This wasn't just some "investigator" or another missionary, this was a real person with struggles and motivations. I did manage to say some relevant principles but it was far from smooth. It will certainly come with practice but I am sure it could have gone worse.

    This coming week I will be doing a lot of service because it is pretty much the only missionary work I can do right now. The missionaries in my ward might bring me along on some lessons but most of their work is in the office and online. Already today my brother and I removed some weeds and tomorrow there is already a lot lined up for us.

    Everything feels a little on standstill right now and it is important to stay on track and stay busy. Both are very challenging at home. I am working to solve both problems through planning and service opportunities.
